Tuesday, March 27, 2012 0 comments

Cold Turkey Sandwich

Quitting #facebook cold turkey is next to impossible. There's this cultural/social backlash you get when you try to abandon something that's become this vehicle that everyone uses; it's almost become something akin to not having a phone or going vegan. Someone will say to you, "Hey, I've been sending you messages all week. Why haven't you responded?" & you'll say, "Well I never got an email from you or a text." "No, I sent it on Facebook." When did it become this standard social medium? It's like email has gone the way of personal letters in the mail. Then there's this level where people almost expect you to be on it at all times so talking to you through it is their most reliable way of contacting you, because you can ignore a text or an email, but there's no excuse why you can't respond to a facebook message. Breaking from it is social suicide, but I guarantee the people that find another way to talk to you will find themselves outside the boundaries of a casual facebook acquaintance & a real friend.
